Christmas Cookies
Christmas Cookies
I've had some people asking for my recipe for making beautiful Christmas
Cookies. Here we go.
*Martha's Christmas Cook...
'Bama baby!
Okay, so I'm almost two months late on this one but, better late than
never, right???
For the kids' fall break, we drove down to Livingston, Alabama to my ...
Preschool 2013-2014
Mabry and Clark started their preschool the last week of August. They are
both loving it. It is a good break for Mom too, especially on Thursdays
when the...
You May Be Right.....I May Be Crazy!
This all started about 3 summers ago when I opened the doors to our closets
at the preschool. Wow! For someone who likes to be organized, like me, it
Cooper is 16 Months Old!
Right before Coop turned 16 months old, I took my camera out with us while
we went to grocery store, and ran a couple of other errands....
He wasn't in the...
We were SO BLESSED to spend last week in Florida with some of our dear
friends. We had a great week! I was ecstatic to get away from a winter week
in St... I know it
Well, my life for the next 18 months will be filled with homework and
research papers while I finish my MBA. That will be, of course, in addition
to my ful...
The Little Hedgehogs, 34 weeks++
Rhys & Harlo chilling
Harlo, the serious one, and Rhys, the joker
Happy Thanksgiving! We celebrated here back in October when Canada has it's
Bennett's First Haircut
So when you have to resort to putting clips in your child's hair so that
they can see, it is time to go get their hair cut!
Boo did so good. He was a littl...
Kids are mean, but...
I know kids, especially younger kids, do mean things sometimes. They don’t
always understand fully how words and actions can hurt others. But today, I
was ...
33 Weeks!
Getting there slowly! Now when the baby moves around its not just in one
place in my belly its over here aaand over there, like a wave.
Oh yes, and Bern, n...
The Latest
Hello from CO! What have we been up to in the last week? Well.....
Last night we went to Oktoberfest in Parker and Highlands Ranch. Parker's
was not very g...
Ryan's Preschool
Ryan started preschool on September 1st and has been doing great! He goes 2
days a week and has so much fun. When I tell him you have school tomorrow
he ex...
Over the summer, we had cousin Ally over for a sleepover! The girls had a
blast! It was so cute. They all wanted to sleep on the
floor in the living room. A...
You know you're old when...
1. You are most at peace when everyone is safe and sound under the same
roof. My mother in law checked on her kids at night until the very last one
moved o...
The Campaign
The other night I went to a surprise birthday party for one of my friends
from college.
Several of my friends from college were there.
It was so refreshing ...